

Sunday, 1st Sep
WillkommensempfangKIT CampusStarting from
Monday, 2 nd Sep
Live Music Act by
“Toplap” & afterwards
KIT Campus
Poster and demo
session, life
music and
Tuesday, 3 rd Sep
Social Event with Live Music Act by
Moritz Simon Geist
ZKM – Center
for Art and
Museum visit,
networking and
life music


Am Sonntagabend starten wir mit einer Willkommensveranstaltung auf dem Campus – eine Gelegenheit zum Kennenlernen, Vernetzen und Ankommen.

© Helfrich


On Monday evening, we kick off with a gathering on campus including a demo and
poster session. In the evening the band Toplap will perform with a great live
performance. Afterwards, everyone can visit the SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE (Not officially part of the Program).


Toplap is a band in Karlsruhe. They are a live coding community based in Karlsruhe.

What is Live Coding?

  • Real-time creation and modification of code during a performance or presentation
  • Used in artistic contexts like music and visual art

Weitere Informationen gibt es hier: https://toplap-ka.de/


  • Location: Baroque facade of Karlsruhe Palace
  • Experience:
    • Projection art in a UNESCO City of Media Arts
    • Relaxed exchange and refreshments
    • Several hundred thousand visitors per year, free admission


  • Period: 15 August to 15 September 2024
  • Program Inclusion: Part of the MuC 2024 program
  • Theme: 75th anniversary of the German Basic Law
    • Contributions from the fields of law and democracy
  • Partner: ZKM | Center for Art and Media
  • Special Note: Karlsruhe as the seat of the Federal Constitutional Court and the Federal Court of Justice, known as the “City of Law” in Germany

Weitere Informationen gibt es hier: https://www.schlosslichtspiele.info/

© Jürgen Rösner


Am Dienstagabend steht ein besonderes Erlebnis an, wenn wir uns zu einem Besuch des ZKM | Center for Art and Media.

Event Highlights

  • Exhibitions: Explore fascinating exhibitions where art and technology converge
  • Live music act: Moritz Simon Geist
  • Networking:
    • Casual networking and drinks in the vibrant ZKM setting
    • Engage in meaningful conversations in this cultural gem

About ZKM | Center for Art and Media

  • Founded: 1989
  • Mission: Strengthen connections between science, art, technology, and society for the digital 21st century
  • Institution: Internationally recognized for media art
    • Globally unique media art collection
  • Reputation: Listed as one of the world’s leading museums for contemporary and media art
  • Collaboration: Partnered with Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG)
    • Combines research, education, and training under one roof

Weitere Informationen gibt es hier: https://zkm.de/de

Bild ZKM bei Nacht © KTG Karlsruhe Tourismus GmbH Fotograf: Mende
© ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe, Foto: Micial Media

Special guest for this evening: Moritz Simon Geist

About Moritz Simon Geist

  • Profession: Media artist, engineer, and robotic musician
  • Performance Style: Each sound is played by robots
    • Small motors beat on metal
    • 3D-printed robo-kalimbas with deep bass sounds
    • Salvaged parts from old hard drives click and cut
    • Built, tweaked, tested, and plays all his robotic instruments

Innovations and Contributions

  • Sonic Robots: Push the boundaries of music creation
    • Invent a new plurality in electronic music
  • Unique Concept:
    • Humans playing machines vs. music machines being actual robots
  • Notable Creation: MR-808 robot (2012)
    • Oversized 808 robot
    • 4 by 2 meter music box with mechanical parts playing instruments live
    • Pioneered new ideas in electro and human-machine interaction
  • Current Work: Continues to explore and innovate in ‘Robotic Electronic Music’

Instagram “@moritzsimongeist”

Karlsruhe bei Nacht

Für alle, die nach den offiziellen Programmpunkten Lust auf gesellige Abende und ungezwungene Treffen haben, präsentieren wir hier einige empfehlenswerte gehobene Cocktailbars und angesagte Kneipen in Karlsruhe.

Cocktail Bars:

Bars (Essen und Trinken):


Am Mittwochabend starten wir mit einer Afterwork Tanzveranstaltung mit DJ mit DJ zum Ausklang der MuC & Auftakt der UIG-Tagung @TRIANGEL Transfer Kultur Raum und intro am Kronenplatz, 4.9.24 19.00 – 22.00 Uhr.

weitere Informationen folgen in Kürze!