UP – Practitioner Track

Guidelines for publication in UP Track

In order to record the findings and expand the wealth of UX knowledge, Mensch und Computer offers the opportunity to publish papers on the contributions submitted. The paper should offer background information, provide context, and complement the session.

The submitted contributions (presentations, workshops/tutorials, barcamp sessions, working groups) will be published digitally via the Digital Library of the German Informatics Society as Open Access (OP). For accepted contributions, a declaration on the granting of usage rights to the final version of the contribution must be confirmed when submitting the abstract in the conference management system in accordance with the author guidelines. This is done when uploading the paper to the conference management system (ConfTool) by activating a check mark.


Please note that all dates are final. There will be no postponements.

TrackBeitragDeadline Paper*
UPWorkshops19. August 2024 (optional)
UPPräsentationen19. August 2024 (optional)
UPArbeitskreise19. August 2024 (optional)
UPBarcamp7. Oktober 2024 (optional)

Publication procedure

If a workshop/tutorial, presentation, or working group has been accepted or a barcamp has been held, it is possible to publish a paper. 

The following steps are necessary for publication:

  1. Write a paper
  2. Insert copyright statement
  3. Upload files
Step 1: Writing the paper

It must be ensured that all content in the Word document corresponds to the correct style sheets. The official  ACM Guide must be followed for this (see section “Word Authors”).

The following points must be ensured in the final version:

  • All elements, such as the title, the headings, the authors, the acknowledgments, the reference heading, and the individual references, are formatted as described in the template.
  • If a single figure contains several parts, these have been inserted as a single image file.
  • All tables/figures have a caption.
  • All figures have an alternative text (instructions in the template).
  • All blank lines have been removed.
  • All sources used are listed numerically at the end of the document (for example [1]).
Step 2: Insert Copyright Statement

The following copyright statement must be included in the paper
Published by the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. and the German UPA e.V. 2024 in T. Jackstädt, S.J. Wiedenroth & J. Hinze (Hrsg.):
Mensch und Computer 2024 – Usability Professionals, 01.-04. September 2024, Karlsruhe © 2024 Copyright bei den Autoren.

The <PaperID> is the 2 or 3 digit number associated with this paper in ConfTool.

Step 3: Upload files

Two documents must be submitted in the ConfTool:

  1. The article as PDF: muc24-<PaperID>.pdf
  2. All source files as muc24-<PaperID>.zip 


Questions about the preparation of the final version of the paper can be sent by e-mail to proceedings@mensch-und-computer.de.